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作者:Ms.Natalie (英国外教/湖南澧县职业技术学校/来源:湖南省外国专家局网站)

  1. 桂林荔浦市职业教育中心学校“试水”国际交流活动::营造更好英语环境,开展国际交流,促进职业教育特色发展
    Guilin Lipu Vocational Education Center School "Test The Water" International Exchange Activity...
  2. 引进外籍教师:“请得进、留得住、干得好”的根本途径——巴克兰海外教育集团坚持举办“外事管理干部”培训班
    Buckland International Education Group Carries on the Tradition of Foreign Affairs Officer ( F.A.O) Training as its Firm Foundation for Foreign Teacher Recruitment and Management
  3. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)外教在贵州——“一校一外教”项目:花开贵州(附视频)
    The Foreign Teachers of Buckland Group are in Guizhou Province
  4. 陕西省安康市:副市长孙矿玲到高新区中学慰问外籍教师
    Ankang City, Shanxi Province: The Deputy Mayor Shun Kuang Ling Visited Foreign Teachers in Gao Xin International Middle school
  5. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)编写的初高中英语口语教材正式出版(供外教和学生使用)--
    BUCKLAND GROUP Text Book Practical Oral English (for Junior and Senior) is Published by Shaanxi Normal University Publishing House
  6. '2015 (BUCKLAND)第65期外国文教专家培训掠影
  7. “一校一外教”计划项目继续推进:欧美加国际交流协会向广东高要市再派外教志愿者
  8. “一校一外教”计划进广东 欧文秘书长赴高要市考察




My life as a teacher began in the United Kingdom 18 years ago, but my real life as a teacher and true educator began as an Oral English Foreign Expert at Lixian Vocational and Technical Institute back in September 2007. I will never forget the moment I first 
arrived at the institute for the rest of my life. I was greeted by hundreds of students who welcomed me so warmly as if I were a long lost friend returning from a long journey.  The atmosphere  and  excitement 
that I experienced was amazing and I knew immediately that coming  to 
China and teaching at Lixian Vocational and Technical Institute had been the best decision of my entire life and teaching career. I was finally somewhere that I could truly call home and this was to be the place where I could be free, creative and passionate about providing the highest possible quality of English Foreign Language education that I was both physically and mentally able to provide.

All of the students who I have taught have always, without exception, shown me the upmost respect. Not just because I am a foreigner who works exceedingly hard both in and out of the language classroom, but because I opened my heart, soul and mind to each and every student, treating them not only with total respect for the unique individuals that they truly are, but as if each and everyone of them was my own child. I have always and will continue to love them all unconditionally and my only goal is to continue to nurture and encourage every student to experience with total joy, the exciting and rewarding world of English foreign language education in a way that they have never before experienced.

The students and I have always worked together as a team because we understand that we are all responsible for the language learning that takes place within each and every lesson and we must continually unite forces in order to be successful. It has always been my belief that as an EFL teacher my primary function is to provide a secure, non-judgemental, anxiety free and 100% trusted teacher-student relationship with each and every student, and it is this trusted bond that is indeed the most important factor within any successful foreign language classroom and especially so at Lixian Vocational and Technical Institute.

My job has always been as a provider, an instigator and a facilitator of knowledge, who simply 
pulls out these students’ natural and  ever  amazing untapped  knowledge  and  talent  for  speaking
English. My real function as a foreign language expert, however, is not only to encourage students to be individual and creative in their thoughts and opinions, but it is also the co-existence of well thought out and very finely tuned balances of eclectic teaching methodologies and  humanistic approaches that I have adopted, adapted and implemented for each and every foreign language class in order to cater for every learning style and language level. This with a combined with absolute dedication and passion for language teaching has been the true key to unlocking the 
door to these students’ EFL success which can so evidentially be seen throughout each and every classroom within the school.

I am also very passionate in my belief that as a foreign language expert it is my fundamental duty to create a good, solid, practical and real-life functional language syllabus to support and enhance not only quality lesson planning and classroom instruction, but fluent and competent communication skills within students. In addition, I am continually and constantly developing a never ending in-depth awareness of students’ educational and emotional needs and this  requires me as an  EFL instructor  to  constantly  re-evaluate  my own  professional skills  and 
undertake any necessary professional development in order to employ an even more finely tuned and higher level of educational standards within my classroom. Student success is worth more to me than anything and my never ending dedication and commitment to Lixian Vocational and Technical Institute will remain.

I can never express enough sincere thanks to the truly  valued and never ending support  of  all  the Leaders,  the  Vice-Principal’s  Mr.Wu,  Mr.Peng,  Mr.Zhu,  Mr.Zhang and Mr.Ren  and especially to the Headmaster Mr. Lu (Louis), who I can only describe as the most outstanding 
headmaster I have ever had the privilege and honour to work with in my 18 years as an educator. All of   the Leaders’  unquestionable  dedication  to Lixian Vocational  and  Tech-nical 
Institute and sheer determination that all students have the right to be highly and successfully
educated has continually and will forever, inspired me to educate and give unconditionally, without shame and most definitely to the best of my ability.

I  feel  that  I  must  also  mention  the  outstanding  staff  and  English  department  in  Lixian 
Vocational and Technical Institute. All of the teachers are not only dedicated to their work, but they genuinely care about the progress of the students and are always willing to provide  support where needed. Weekly staff meetings provide us with a solid forum to discuss class and individual student problems or progress, as well as looking at text books and examination material that needs to be covered and practiced through out the term. We always try to create a positive learning and working environment whilst spending time discussing ways of how we can move forward as a successful team and what needs to be implemented to create continued success within the school.

Working and living in Lixian is a priceless and treasured once in a lifetime experience that can never be truly described, only truly experienced. The local people are inviting, accepting, warmly welcoming and they would do anything for you in order that life and general living is just that little bit easier. I have forged many, many local friendships and believe that these friendships will truly be life long as the locals have accepted me and I accepted them as if we were all part of the same family.

I regularly walk into town and always stop and say hello to people. I have shared many memorable moments of fun and laughter even when at times we can’t communicate in words, body language has provided much entertainment and many smiles all round !

All that I have left to say is that the students at Lixian Vocational and Technical Institute are always and will forever be in my thoughts and heart 24 hours a day because they have made me the richly diverse and experienced foreign expert that I am. Without such diversity and experience I would have never continued to pursue my own professional development and the completion of my MA in TESOL and Applied Linguistics.

Lixian Vocational and Technical Institute, will always be for me, the number one institution in Hunan. I truly believe that Vocational and Technical Institutions, such as Lixian, will become the desired learning Institutions of the future because they equip students with solid practical life skills that will be so desperately required by International businesses in China’s continued and very successful global expansion. ■

By Natalie Connell
Lixian Vocational and Technical Institute
5th December, 2008

Natalie 夫妇(右二、三)与巴克兰海外教育集团、澧县职业技术学校领导合影

【汉 语 译 文】












作者姓名(中英文):娜塔莉 Natalie

国 籍:英国                           



  图片:湖南新田一中喜迎巴克兰外教    |   ▲ 回获奖征文目录页


  1. 【来自湖南邵阳市的报道】邵阳市人社局领导赴洞口一中慰问外籍教师2019
  2. 巴克兰(BUCKLAND)外教在贵州——“一校一外教”项目:花开贵州(附视频)
  3. 【来自合作学校的报道】浏阳一中高新实验中学外籍教师展示英语口语教学
  4. 【视 频】TESOL(特硕)培训在广西 - 英语解说(2013.03.)
     【Video】TESOL Training at the Buckland Group,Guangxi
  5.  外教获奖征文:我眼中美妙的广西阳朔(By John Leach [USA] )
      —— Guangxi’s Marvelous Community through Western Eyes
  6. 【视频】专访巴克兰(BUCKLAND)外教杰丝芭莎·索菲(SOPHIE)- 广外肇庆外国学校电视台录制/肇庆高新区 (2014)

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(本站 2009-07-01 编辑发布/更新: 2019-02-25
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  1. 欧美加国际交流协会“一校一外教”计划专题网站

  3. “国际理解教育”在行动——国内教师“国际理解教育”培训侧记新信息


  5. 中国国际广播电台 (China Radio International)采访加拿大老雷和他的“志愿者教育计划” (Laurie Mackenzie and His V.E.T Program) [2007/09/10]


  7. 《桂林晚报》报道“V.E.T”志愿者支教事迹《“洋雷锋”的支教故事》

  9. 美国志愿者艾伦(Allen)在桂林阳朔义务支教整一年 (台 2008/06/25 阳朔电视台报道)


  10. 成都双语实验学校巴克兰外教台 Ms Allyson 的感言:I am really happy here!(站外链接)

  上一篇: 【来自合作学校的报道】浏阳一中高新实验中学外籍教师展示英语口语教学
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